"We spent at least one week every summer either at the beach or in the mountains with my parents, who were owners for many years. Because of my Pop’s vision and courage to take on this new endeavor (timeshare was just coming on the scene at that time), we were able to visit places and stay in accommodations that were amazing and impressive.
Growing up, we did a great deal of camping, so as owners, we traveled well beyond our traditional family vacations. When my parents became too elderly to travel, my Pop’s greatest desire was to make sure the timeshare stayed within the family so that the tradition could be carried on and enjoyed. He offered to give my husband and me the timeshare. We became owners and immediately upgraded.
Because of my parents, the family memories will always be a part of us, our children, and grandchildren. When we look back at all the good times we shared, it’s hard not to feel emotional.
Our favorite vacation spot is Williamsburg. My husband and I return there year after year in December to experience the colonial holiday atmosphere, visit our favorite restaurant, and finish up our shopping.
Our ownership has changed our vacation experience because it not only offers numerous travel options and a variety of accommodations, it has become a treasured family legacy — and one that we can pass on. When we peruse the catalog, search the Club Wyndham website, or make a call to plan our vacations or weekend retreats, we remember who made it possible.”
Beverly Glendenning
Rockville, Virginia