VacationShare is an online platform that allows owners to rent out their unused vacation time, providing added flexibility. If owners ever choose not to travel, they can list their unused vacation time for rent with VacationShare.
VacationShare has built a global community of trusted vacation clubs and property owners. Many owners find themselves unable to use their vacation time and rely on VacationShare to promote their listings on multiple platforms to enhance the chances of their reservations being rented.
The VacationShare rental program offers greater flexibility without any upfront fees. To join VacationShare, owners can visit VacationShare.com to set up their account to list their vacation time for rent.
When a reservation is accepted, the owner will submit a VacationShare Agreement. If the listing is accepted, VacationShare will market it through their distribution channels. If VacationShare successfully places a guest in the unit, the owner, as the host, will receive a 60% share of the net proceeds received from the vacationer, while VacationShare will retain 40% of the net proceeds.
Currently, Club Wyndham owners with active member accounts are eligible to list on VacationShare. Also required to create a host account and list a rental are (1) proof of U.S. residency and (2) proof of a U.S. Social Security Number.
Listing submitted on VacationShare must meet the minimum requirement of a valid reservation at a participating resort, which can be found on the VacationShare Participating Resorts List, must be booked prior to listing. The listing agreement must be received and accepted by VacationShare at least seven (7) days prior to the arrival date on the reservation.
Once the listing is accepted, owners will receive an acceptance letter via email. It is important for owners to ensure that their email address is included in their contact information when filling out the VacationShare Listing Agreement. If the owner does not receive the confirmation email, they should check their Spam or Junk email folders.
If an owner wishes to cancel their listing, they should log into the VacationShare portal to initiate the cancellation process. Their cancellation request will be carefully reviewed by an administrator to ensure compliance with VacationShare policies. At that time the administrator will communicate (via the portal and email) whether the cancellation request has been approved or denied. If any portion of the owner's listing has been rented, the cancellation request will be automatically denied, even if it is only partially booked.
No, there is no guarantee that a reservation will be rented or that the owner will receive payment. To increase their chances, owners should consider the popularity of the location, submit their listing well in advance, and consider the time of year.
First, owners should get their reservation in the program early! A reservation that comes in six (6) months before the arrival date is likely to fare better than a reservation that comes one (1) month before.
Second, consider the popularity of the location. It is likely that if an owner thinks a resort is located at an exciting location, renting customers will, too.
Third, owners should consider the time of year. A resort may be more popular during seasons, holidays, and special events.
If a reservation is rented, owners will receive 60% of the net proceeds, while VacationShare will retain 40% as its commission. Owners will receive payment info within forty-five (45) days after the reservation checkout date. For additional information, owners should consult the Terms & Conditions of the VacationShare Listing Agreement.
Deductions from the gross proceeds cover a range of potential expenses, including but not limited to: Online Travel Agent (OTA) Commissions, Travel Agent (TA) Commissions, Distribution Channel Fees, Credit Card and Merchant Bank Fees, and Housekeeping Fees. For a detailed understanding of these deductions, owners should review the Terms & Conditions outlined in the VacationShare Listing Agreement.
While VacationShare will diligently work to secure a renter for an owner's reservation, it is not guaranteed. If the reservation remains unrented, payment will not be issued.
No, VacationShare does not return portions of reservations that are not rented. There is a risk associated with listing the reservation for rental, and owners will receive payment based on the nights that are rented.
The Club Wyndham owner rental program gives you additional flexibility in how you choose to use your Club Wyndham ownership. If you ever decide not to travel or you have expiring points, you can look to Extra Holidays to list your unused vacation time for rental.
Then no action is required. You can continue to utilize your points as you have in the past. However, if your circumstances change, this is just one more way to use your points.
If you are unable to utilize all your points and are looking for an alternative, you can book a reservation at one of the participating Club Wyndham resorts as if you are going on vacation yourself. Make sure the reservation meets the Extra Holidays Owner Rental requirements.
Submit an Extra Holidays Vacation Listing Agreement to Extra Holidays Owner Rental by mail, fax, or email. If the reservation is accepted into the rental program, Extra Holidays will market it on their website and on partner websites. Provided that Extra Holidays is able to place an owner’s reservation with another vacationer, the owner will be entitled to 60% of the net proceeds and Extra Holidays will receive 40% of the net proceeds received from the vacationer.
The Extra Holidays owner rental program offers you greater flexibility with no up-front fees.
Currently, Club Wyndham owners with active member accounts are eligible to participate in the rental program. Also required to create a host account and list a rental are (1) proof of U.S. residency and (2) proof of a U.S. Social Security Number.
Reservations placed in the owner rental program must meet four basic requirements. (1) The reservation must be reserved with points. (2) The reservation must be at a participating Club Wyndham resort, which can be found in the Extra Holidays Owner Rental Participating Resorts List. (3) The length of stay must be a maximum of seven nights and a minimum of two nights. (4) The listing agreement must be received and accepted by Extra Holidays at least 30 days prior to the arrival date on the reservation.
Once a reservation is accepted to the program, you will receive an acceptance letter via email. It is important that you include your email address as part of your contact information when you fill out the Extra Holidays Vacation Listing Agreement.
If your reservation was accepted into the program, you can contact us between 17 and 30 days prior to the arrival date. If your reservation has not been rented, you can remove it from the program. Subject to club rules, you can cancel your reservation and get your points back. If it is rented, you can expect payment within 45 days after the departure date.
The owner rental program DOES NOT accept points, it accepts RESERVATIONS made with points. If you have points you cannot use for yourself, you can use them to make a reservation at one of the owner rental program’s participating resorts. Then fill out the Extra Holidays Vacation Listing Agreement, and send it to Extra Holidays Owner Rental by mail, fax, or email.
Although most resorts do participate in the owner rental program, there are some that do not participate for various reasons. For a list of participating resorts, please reference the Extra Holidays Owner Rental Participating Resorts List.
You can place a reservation in the owner rental program up to 13 months in advance, and a minimum of 30 days in advance of the check-in date.
Market conditions are constantly changing. It could be that in the time that it took for you to submit your listing agreement, other owners were also submitting listings for the same resort and it’s not likely the market will support that much inventory. Therefore, it’s important to complete and submit your listing as soon as possible. Also, we cannot accept any listings from owners who are past due on their Club Wyndham financial obligations.
No, it is not guaranteed that your reservation will be rented or that you will receive payment.
First, get your reservation in the program early. A reservation that comes in six months before the arrival date is likely to fair better than a reservation that comes one month before the arrival date. Second, consider the popularity of the location. It’s likely that if you think a resort is located at an exciting location, our renting customers do, too. Third, consider the time of year. A resort may be more popular during particular seasons, holidays, and special events. For example, summer at a beach resort, winter at a ski resort, or music festival locations are all things to consider when scheduling a reservation.
If you want to take back your reservation, please call Extra Holidays first to check the status of your reservation. If a reservation has been rented, even if it is only partially rented, Extra Holidays cannot return a reservation because they have guests scheduled to utilize your reservation. If a reservation has not been rented, and it is a minimum of at least 15 days before the arrival date, you may take your reservation out of the owner rental program.
If your reservation is rented, you will receive 60% of the net proceeds and Extra Holidays will retain 40% of the net proceeds as its commission. You can visit the Extra Holidays website to get an idea as to rental rates based on resort, unit type and season. Please read the Terms & Conditions of the Extra Holidays Vacation Listing Agreement for more details.
Expenses are subtracted from the gross proceeds and may include, but are not limited to: online travel agent (OTA) commissions, travel agent (TA) commissions, distribution channel fees, credit card and merchant bank fees, housekeeping fees. Please read the Terms & Conditions of the Extra Holidays Vacation Listing Agreement for more details.
Extra Holidays will make every effort in order to secure a renter for the reservation. There is a risk associated with listing the inventory, as Extra Holidays does not guarantee that the reservation will be rented. If the reservation is not rented, you will not receive payment.
No, Extra Holidays does not return portions of reservations that are not rented, nor does Extra Holidays return points. There is a risk associated with listing the reservation for rental. The owner will receive payment based on the nights, if any, that are actually rented.
You can reach Extra Holidays at 800-446-1860 or OwnerRentals@wyn.com, Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m.-8 p.m. ET.