ARDA promotes the growth and development of the timeshare industry in a variety of ways. Learn more about the organization and its initiatives to protect owners, plus how you can support its efforts.
Established in 1969, American Resort Development Association (ARDA) is a Washington D.C.-based industry trade association that represents the resort industry through lobbying, consumer advocacy and the ARDA-Resort Owners’ Coalition (ARDA-ROC). The organization is actively involved in local, state, and national governmental affairs, and monitors regulatory issues that affect timeshare.
The ARDA-ROC organization:
ARDA-ROC membership is comprised of more than 1.6 million timeshare owners, and is funded solely through the voluntary contributions of owners and resort homeowners’ associations.
ARDA-ROC revenues are dedicated to engaging attorneys and government affairs professionals to represent timeshare owners’ interests in city halls, state legislatures, and in Congress. These efforts support strong timeshare rental, resale, and transfer consumer protection laws, which protect owners.
To help ARDA-ROC continue to protect and strengthen our investment as owners, we encourage all owners to voluntarily contribute $10 to ARDA-ROC along with your annual assessment.
Contributions to ARDA-ROC are not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes.
To learn more about what legislative initiatives ARDA-ROC is actively monitoring in your state, visit arda-roc.org.