Travel has the potential to bring about so many positive emotions. You can’t help but feel happy at the opportunity to just get up and go — especially now that many resorts are reopening cleaner and safer than ever. You may feel apprehensive about traveling again, but don’t let stress come between you and the bliss of vacationing. Get some peace of mind by learning about the Vacation Ready enhanced resort cleaning standards, and follow these tips for a stress-free travel experience on your next vacation.
Research the latest CDC guidelines for travel before your trip so you can be prepared. Be sure to wash your hands frequently and practice social distancing whenever possible. Don’t forget to pack hand sanitizer and a face covering — some attractions will require wearing them.
Plan to come home to a clean house. Skip the frustration of dishes in the sink, clutter on the counter, and a smelly trash can when all you want to do is relive your feel-good vacation memories and just relax. Expert organizers like Marie Kondo suggest that a clutter-free home environment promotes calm, and a worry-free mind means you can enjoy your vacation that much more.
Give yourself the gift of sleep — and make sure you’re getting enough of it. The Sleep Research Society recommends seven to eight hours for adults. While forgoing sleep on vacation may seem tempting, don’t take the bait. You really can’t make the most of anything when your tank is low. Be mindful of too much caffeine and alcohol, and try to crawl into bed at a reasonable hour.
It’s easy to get caught up in all the things you have to do. You might be on a boat sailing, but your mind is wandering back to work or how much time you have until the next stop on your itinerary. Take a deep breath. Slow, focused breathing can deliver the sense of calm you need to travel stress-free. Pause your thoughts and just see the sights, smell the fresh air, and tune your ear to the sounds of vacation.
Try not to overschedule your trip. Leave room to be spontaneous and try new things that you didn’t research online beforehand. Stick to one or two scheduled activities each day and let the rest fall into place naturally — whether it’s a local spot that caught your eye or just some much needed relaxation time to reset for the next big thing. You won’t have to rush from one activity to the next, so you’ll enjoy every adventure even more.
Try a technology fast on your next getaway. Modern times offer helpful resources for information on your vacation: maps, directions, activities, reviews, and more. You can find what you need in a snap, but before you know it you’re scrolling social media, checking emails, responding to texts… and oops, you missed the sights! Remove the distraction for truly stress-free travel.